November. A month of counting our blessings and prepping for Christmas. We have so much to be thankful for including all our wonderful students and their families! We are also thankful for the growth and progress we have been seeing in all our students. Several students hit milestones during the month of November. August R. started piano lessons. Kenza and Alexandru finished their first lessons books and Deborah and Karla finished the lesson books that they have been working on. Another major milestone was hit by Addy C., Owen, Michael S., and Felix - They all finished their 100 Days of Practice challenge!! That's a lot of practicing and their progress is proof of their practice. We also started learning Christmas music so keep your eyes open for videos of Christmas music coming your way starting December 9th.
We are so ready for student to be back in the studio! Lessons start up again on August 11, 2020. Check the policies for an update about how we are handling lessons during COVID-19. We are going to try our hardest to make sure that students stay safe and healthy and that parents are comfortable with students taking lessons. If you are interested in lessons, send us a text! We'd love to talk to you!
It's time to say my goodbye to all my wonderful students and their parents here in Rockford, IL. My husband and I are moving to Wake Forest, NC in less than two weeks. Thank you to all those who allowed me to teach you or your children while I was living here. It was certainly my pleasure to do so! Goodbye! May you continue to grow in your musical abilities!!
Randee's Music just announced it is putting on the 2018 Clavinova Festival. It is a two day festival where students come and use a Clavinova piano to make their piano piece sound extra special (using all the cool features that a Clavinova has). Students who participate will receive a t-shirt, certificate, and a, they are entered to win a Yamaha digital piano valued at $600. If you are interested or have questions, call John Larson at 815-399-1500.. Registration is due April 1, 2018.
It's that time of year again! School starts in less than 2 weeks here in Rockford. I'm not sure where summer flew off to, but here comes fall! And with school right around the corner, here is a great sale on music lessons! Sign up today!
It is almost the middle of August! Back-to-school sales are popping up in every store and people are starting to look forward to getting back into a more structured least I know I am. That's why I am reminding everyone that there are free lessons ready to be given away. Tell a friend...or lots of friends...about piano and violin lessons and, if they start taking lessons, you get two free lessons! Plus, as always, they get their first lesson free! What a deal!
School is out for the summer! Hip, hip, HOORAY! In order to help students stay motivated to practice even when the sunshine is beckoning them to run outside and play, they were given a challenge. A practicing challenge. If they practice at least 10 minutes a day for 80 days this summer, they will receive a prize at their first lesson in September. Will you take the challenge?
June 2022