Who doesn't love Christmas music?! Our students have been working super hard at learning some fabulous Christmas songs. Check out our Facebook or Instagram pages to see the videos they created of their music.
November. A month of counting our blessings and prepping for Christmas. We have so much to be thankful for including all our wonderful students and their families! We are also thankful for the growth and progress we have been seeing in all our students. Several students hit milestones during the month of November. August R. started piano lessons. Kenza and Alexandru finished their first lessons books and Deborah and Karla finished the lesson books that they have been working on. Another major milestone was hit by Addy C., Owen, Michael S., and Felix - They all finished their 100 Days of Practice challenge!! That's a lot of practicing and their progress is proof of their practice. We also started learning Christmas music so keep your eyes open for videos of Christmas music coming your way starting December 9th. |
June 2022